Play Golf in College golfer Kristina Ma will compete in The Drive, Chip and Putt National Finals at the Augusta National Golf Club on Sunday, April 4, 2021.
The event precedes the 85th Masters Tournament, which tees off the following week.
Kristina, of Columbus, Ohio, is 13 and already a veteran of golf competitions and tournaments. She is coached by Play Golf in College founder Brad Sparling.
Kristina was featured on the Good Day Columbus TV program and talked with Terri Sullivan and Cameron Fontana about the excitement reaching the finals for the first time and the challenges she faces in the competition.
Kristina has been playing golf since she was five years old and has continued to improve her game by practicing with her older brother and participating in the First Tee and PGA Junior League. In addition to playing golf, Kristina is part of her school’s research and robotics team and is developing an app called Sociemoti that helps children with autism learn social, emotional and communication skills.
Participants in The Drive, Chip and Putt program compete in all three skills and hit three shots per skill for a total of nine shots. Points are accumulated per shot at each skill. The overall champion in each division is determined by the participant with the most points accumulated between all three skills.
Read more about Kristina on her official Drive, Chip and Putt profile.